Cyber Education 2022
Date & Time:
19th July 2022 | 09:00 - 17:00
University of Roehampton, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PJ
Cost: Free​

Collaboration beyond the building: Networking the Cyber Education Ecosystem
Computer Science and Cyber Security Education (Cyber Education) provide essential foundations for a diverse range of careers. For example, in Cloud Services & Virtualisation; Coding, Development & Software Engineering; Data Analytics & Visualisation; Detection & Incident Response; Digital Forensics & Threat Hunting; Governance, Risk Management & Compliance; Identity & Access Management; Infrastructure as Code & Networking; Project Management; Robotic Processes and Automation, Security & Vulnerability Testing; UX and Service Design, and much more!
Cyber Education is an influential and impactful part of the UK Cyber Ecosystem (as denoted in the National Cyber Strategy), and a principal component of the Cyber Education Ecosystem.
The National Cyber Strategy includes an objective to "Enhance the nation's cyber skills at every level". Cyber Education 2022 will explore and profile collaboration initiatives, opportunities and activities between Government, Industry and Academia partners in the Cyber Education Ecosystem, that work towards meeting this objective.
Call For Lightning Talks and Lightning Demos
Potential presenters at this conference are invted to submit a short abstract. Examples themes include:
Collaborative course design, development and delivery
Cyber Education and employability initiatives
Cyber Education, innovation, entrepreneurship, and Start Ups
Challenges of sharing resources, materials and infrastructure
Academics, developing practitioner experience through collaboration
CyberFirst: Getting started and mentoring
Schools and colleges establishing regional links with universities
Student and graduate representation in Cyber Education strategy
Key Dates
Submission Deadline:
28th June 2022
Acceptance Decision Notification:
5th July 2022
Final Copy Deadline:
12th July 2022

About this event: This is a free, in person event.
Registration: Places are limited to a fixed number of attendees on a first come first served basis.
Agenda: Details can be found on the registration page.